Life After Weight Loss Surgery
After surgery you will follow a liquid diet for 2 weeks. This includes soups, protein shakes, milk, tea, and gravy drinks. This is usually the hardest part of your post surgery diet (however some people find it very easy!) Remember that it is only for a short time, just hang in there and trust the programme. It will all be worth it in the end.
After the liquid stage you will start puree stage. On puree stage you can eat most foods as long as they are pureed. You can have scrambled eggs, light cream cheese, smoothies and yoghurt at this stage.
After puree stage you can start to introduce normal foods back into your diet again. This doesn’t mean you can sit down to a steak and chips dinner though! (Although some lucky people may able to manage a small amount.) Your stomach is still getting used to its new size, so take it easy and keep foods soft and wet to begin with to make the transition easier. Try to eat little and often as at the beginning fitting in more than a few mouthfuls can be tough.
This is the most important part of your post sleeve diet. You need to aim for 60-80g of protein a day although you may find this difficult at the beginning so just try and get in as much in as you can. Carbohydrates will hinder your weight loss so you should avoid these. Carbohydrates will fill your stomach up quickly leaving less room for important nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals.
Keeping exercise as part of your new routine is as important as following your diet after surgery. It doesn’t mean you have to join the gym if that’s not your thing, though. Choose the stairs not the escalator, park further away from the entrance to the supermarket, offer to walk a friends dog. Once you start including more activity in your life it will get easier each day.
We take aftercare very seriously here at Gastro Life Assistance and your care package with us will not end on your return home. Your surgeon requires blood tests to be done at 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after surgery. He will check these results and advise. You will have a lifetime guarantee whereby you can return to Turkey for a check up at any time with our surgeons. We also have a 24 hour emergency number you can call at any time.
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- Увеличение груди
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