Breast Lift
Breast lift surgery (also known as mastopexy) is a procedure where excess skin is removed and breast tissue is reshaped to restore firmness and raise the breasts and nipples on the chest. Lifting the breasts means a return to a more youthful and shapely appearance. A breast lift will not increase the size of your breasts, unless the procedure is combined with breast augmentation surgery. There are many benefits to having a breast lift that will help give you a boost in self confidence. After approximately 3 months your breasts should achieve their final shape.
All Departments
- Additional Treatment
- Anne Makyajı
- Arm Lift
- Ben Aldırma
- Boyun Germe
- Breast Enlargement
- Breast Lift
- Breast Reducution
- Burun Estetiği
- Çene İmplantı
- Chin Implant
- Ek Tedavi
- Eye Lift
- Eyebrow Lift
- Face Lift
- Gastric Bypass
- Gastric Sleeve
- Göğüs Büyütme
- Göğüs Kaldırma
- Göğüs Küçültme
- Göz Kaldırma
- Gynaecomastia
- Hair Transplant
- Jinekomasti
- Karın Germe
- Kaş Kaldırma
- Kilo Verme Ameliyatından Sonra Yaşam
- Kol Germe
- Labiaplasty
- Labioplasti
- Life After Weight Loss Surgery
- Liposakşın
- Liposuction
- Mide baypası
- Mole Removal
- Mommy Makeover
- Mommy Makeover
- Mons Kaldırma
- Mons Lift
- Neck Lift
- Penis Büyütme
- Penis Enlargement
- Porcelain Crowns
- Porselen Kuronlar
- Rhinoplasty
- Saç Ekimi
- Thigh Lift
- Tummy Tuck
- Tüp Mide Ameliyatı
- Uyluk Germe
- Vaginoplasty
- Vajinoplasti
- Yüz Germe
- Zirconia Crowns
- Zirkonya Kuronlar
- Абдоминопластика
- Вагинопластика
- Гастрошунтирование (шунтирование желудка)
- Гинекомастия операция
- Дополнительное лечение
- Жизнь после операции
- Лабиопластика
- Лигаментотомия
- Липосакция
- Пересадка волос
- Пластика лобка
- Пластика подбородка (Подбородочный имплант)
- Подтяжка бедра
- Подтяжка бровей
- Подтяжка глаз
- Подтяжка груди
- Подтяжка кожи рук
- Подтяжка лица
- Подтяжка шеи
- Ринопластика
- Рукавная гастропластика(резекция желудка)
- Увеличение груди
- Увеличение груди
- Удаление родинки
- Уменьшение груди
- Фарфоровые коронки
- Циркониевые коронки